Seniors from Greater Sun City Center, Florida are bicycling 2,400 miles from March - May 2011
Follow us along our journey. Check the Riding Route and read our blog.

"Sammy was my little sister and my best friend. I will always love her."
--Rebecca Rotman
Team Will/SammyRides is a non-profit 501(c)(3). You may also make a tax exempt donation to SammyRides by using PayPal, on the left hand side of the page. PayPal allows you to use any major credit card, a bank account or a PayPal account to transfer funds. Please click on the "Donate" image to make your donation.
If you wish to make a tax deductible donation by check, please make the check out to 'SammyRides' and mail to:
Attn: D. Giordano, Treas.
129 Preserve Place, Unit D
Nokomis, FL 34275-3642